Common Breast Cancer Symptoms
Breast cancer is a prevalent cancer among women, as well as some men patients. Breast cancer originates in the tissues and lobules of the breast. Certain risk factors for breast cancer include age, gender, and family genetics that cannot be changed, but risk factors like leading a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, eating unhealthily, and smoking can be changed. There are also early warning signs of breast cancer that require immediate medical attention, such as:
1. Changes in and around the breast
Skin changes in the breast could be a crucial sign that cancer may be present. These changes include swelling, redness, and other signs that are visibly noticeable. These differences can be in either one of the breasts, or in both breasts. Other visible changes could be in the size of the breast or nipple. It can be that the shape of the breast has changed, or that it has gotten larger. The nipples can be different in appearance, and they may have a discharge other than breast milk. The breast may have a lump or a mass, nipple refraction, or turned inward, and the breast could appear thickened, scaly, or red.
2. Dimpling of the skin
This change in the breast makes the breasts appear to have dimples or puckers. They may or may not be painful, and are among the skin changes that could occur as a breast cancer symptom. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have been found to greatly impact the chances of a person to develop breast cancer. Men as well as women have the BRCA genes, and they do not cause breast cancer, but they do help repair the DNA breaks that generally cause cancer or lead to the growth of tumors that are uncontrolled. Dimpling of the tissue of the breast is a sign of a serious type of cancer that is inflammatory breast cancer. It looks like the uneven skin on an orange.
3. Rash
There are symptoms of breast cancer that are not commonly known. These symptoms include a rash on the breast, or the breasts may feel warm to the touch. Rashes that appear on the breast, or dilated veins in the breasts are signs that something is wrong and should be seen by a medical professional.
4. Prominent veins
Dilated veins could mean that a cancer is blocking a blood vessel. Other hidden symptoms of breast cancer are back pain, and swelling in the armpits.