SUVs and crossovers: Know the differences
Both SUVs and crossovers are more preferred when compared to traditional passenger cars today. It has been estimated that over 100 models by next year. You might have heard the terms SUV and crossover being used interchangeably but these two are different in many ways. The confusing part is that the two types of vehicles might seem quite similar when you first see them. But, these are different, and if you inspect carefully, then the differences become apparent. This is why in the following some of the major differences between SUVs and crossovers have been discussed so as to help you pick the one that is more suitable as per your requirements. One of the major differences between SUVs and crossovers is in how they are built. The SUV parts are built separately and then attached together at the end. The body-on-frame design is used when an SUV is being constructed. In an SUV, the underbody is constructed and then the main vehicle part is made separately. These two are then attached together to finally make a complete SUV. The crossover vehicle is built on a unibody frame which means the parts are built together as one instead of separately.