Symptoms of different types of ulcers
Ulcers are painful sores that develop on different body parts and take time to heal. Ulcers are not uncommon and their causes and where they occur may vary. Given that ulcers can form anywhere from the inner lining of the stomach to the outermost layer of the skin, understanding the symptoms and treatments for the different types of ulcers are essential. The most common types of ulcers are: Peptic ulcers These ulcers develop on the inner lining of the stomach on the upper side of the esophagus or small intestine. They are caused due to damages by the digestive juices. Inflammation caused because of infection from H. Pylori can also cause these ulcers. Heartburn, vomiting, bloating, belching, and chest pain are common symptoms of these ulcers. Arterial ulcers Also known as ischemic ulcers, these develop as open sores on the outer side of the toes, heels, feet, and ankles. These ulcers are caused because of damage to the arteries by reduced or lack of blood flow. They take time to heal and should be taken care of properly. The symptoms of these ulcers are leg pain, sores appearing in red, black, or yellow color, lack of bleeding, and cold sensation in the area of the ulcer.