Tips to prevent Lyme disease
Almost 43 out of the 50 states have reported the presence of Lyme disease, and close to or more than 300,000 people are diagnosed with this infectious disease in the country every year. Black-legged or deer ticks are the carriers of this disease caused by a bacterial infection. When these ticks latch themselves from the bodies of infected mice, birds, and deer onto humans, it can take a minimum of 36 hours for the bacteria to pass on to the bloodstream. Lyme disease affects different people differently. Those in the early stages who are treated immediately after being infected with multiple doses of oral antibiotics for anywhere between two to three weeks have a good prognosis. Those with severe late-stage symptoms of Lyme disease need to be treated with oral antibiotics for close to four weeks. This debilitating disease is easier to prevent than treat. Here are seven tips for the prevention of Lyme disease: Before venturing outdoors in high grassy areas or the woods, wear full-sleeved T-shirts and long pants that fully covers your hands and legs. Use gloves and shoes to cover your hands and feet. Wear hats that cover your head and possibly the neck also. If you plan to garden, camp, hike, or playing outdoors, apply insect repellent with a minimum of 20 percent DEET on exposed skin or substitute it with a concoction of lemon eucalyptus essential oil and carrier oil.