The dos and don’ts of avoiding credit card debt
A credit card can be both a boon and a curse. Improper usage can lead to a debt trap. The tips to avoid credit card debt in this article explain the various dos and don’ts for credit card users. These will help avoid debt. Do’s As a part of tips to avoid credit card debt, the various do’s or things to do while using your credit card are listed here. These tips will help you use your card wisely to prevent debt. Use your card responsibly. This is the best way to avoid credit card debt. A credit card needs to be used only to purchase what you need. Just because you have credit, it doesn’t mean you have to use it. Responsible and wise usage of the credit card is the secret to avoid debt. Do pay off the balance on time. Preferably, pay the entire bill by the due date or try to pay more than the minimum amount to avoid paying huge interest amounts. Do make a budget of how much you want to spend each month using your credit card and try to stick with it. Maintain a record of all your spending, keep the charge slips with you.