Home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs

Home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs

When summer is around the corner, you and your dog will be excited to step out for long walks to feel the warmth of sunlight. This surely excites you, but the downside for pet lovers during summer is fleas and ticks. These blood-sucking vampires stroll around plain grass, leaf piles, garbage cans, fruit trees, etc., and cling on to your adorable pets instantly once contacted. They cause serious skin problems and infections in your pets. Keeping your pets away from grass and leaf or woodpiles is difficult. You can use some excellent home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs during summer. Let’s have a look at some home remedies to avoid flea attack:

Maintain clean surroundings at home
It is important to maintain clean and healthy surroundings at home to keep away from infectious germs and pests.

Some of the most effective ways to keep your surroundings clean are:

  • Clean your garden regularly by mowing the lawn often. Brush away dried leaves and wooden piles. You can also clean up fallen fruits to avoid pests and germs.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly and keep them securely intact.
  • Follow dog care methods recommended by your vet to keep them clean and healthy.
  • Vacuum the indoors well. Wash bed linens, rugs and pet bedding with hot water.

Use natural home sprays
Fleas hate sprays as it keeps them away from invading into your home. A home spray will surely give you a complete feeling of cleanliness. Spray some of these essential mixtures soon after you vacuum your house to feel the difference.

Here are some effective homemade home sprays used as one of the home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs:

  • Salt spray
    Take a good mixture of salt and water in a spray bottle and spray it on clean tile floors and hardwood floors, around your dog’s bedding to get rid of fleas.
  • Diffusers with essential oils
    Use diffusers with essential oils such as lavender, rosemary to keep your house flea free. Fleas hate the smell of these oils and will not bother to wander around your house. These oils also help in maintaining a soothing environment. Some oils are allergic to pets, so consult a vet before using them.
  • Lemon spray
    Slice a lemon and let it soak in a bottle of water overnight. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it around your house to get rid of fleas. This is an excellent mixture that acts as a great flea repellent. While spraying this mixture, pay extra attention to your dog’s favorite spot.

Plant herbs around your house
Strong smelling herbs such as sage, clove, thyme, lavender, mint, and basil are an excellent way to keep fleas away from entering your house. These plants are great flea repellents that keep your house flea-free and also spread a soothing smell all over the house. You will surely love this particular home remedy to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs as it is helpful in many ways.