How to reduce the risk of thyroid cancer

How to reduce the risk of thyroid cancer

Every choice we make can have a significant effect on our health. As such, there are so many health conditions that cannot be cured once they occur. However, some of their risk factors can be assessed and one can always work on reducing these risk factors to prevent the disease from occurring. One such condition is thyroid cancer. Some of the ways that can be used to prevent this condition are as follows:

  • Quit smoking: It has been clear to us since ages that smoking has never been beneficial. Cigarette smoke is also known to have a wide range of toxins that could adversely affect the thyroid gland. One such compound found in cigarette smoke is thiocyanate — this disturbs the iodine uptake, which further blocks the production of required thyroid hormone.
  • Get a thyroid check done: This test can help greatly to detect some thyroid conditions at its earliest stages by checking for any physical abnormality around the area such as bumps, lumps, and swelling close to the surface. This can be done individually with the help of a simple glass of water and a mirror. Any detection of an abnormality should be given immediate medical supervision.
  • Selenium supplementation: The thyroid gland is known to have the highest concentration of selenium in the whole body. Maintaining a balanced level of selenium in the body through a balanced diet or by the consumption of additional supplements can help in preventing thyroid conditions. Taking selenium supplements on top of receiving enough amount through diets can help in boosting immunity.
  • Keep potassium iodide handy: This is an emergency kit trick that people should be aware of. In the case of nuclear accidents or any incidents at a nuclear facility, taking potassium iodide in the first few hours of the incident can help in reducing the risk of developing thyroid cancer. Iodine is essential for the maintenance of the thyroid gland, and this iodine is received through the bloodstream. However, in nuclear-related incidents, the body cannot differentiate between radioactive and normal iodine, which is where the potassium iodide comes in handy to provide the gland with its iodine requirements. However, this should not be consumed otherwise as it could trigger other conditions.
  • Stay away from perchlorates: These are colorless, odorless salts that are majorly used for the production of explosives, fireworks, etc. and are responsible for blocking iodine intake by the thyroid gland. Most of the produce in the country is cultivated with perchlorate-contaminated water. Keeping a check on what the levels are in your area can help you give an estimate of the current situation and risk associated.