Solo Travel Tips for First-Timers

Solo Travel Tips for First-Timers

There are a number of benefits travelers can enjoy while going on a solo trip to a new destination. Solo traveling will teach you a lot about life and also about yourself like no classroom in the world can. Contrary to the common belief, solo traveling can actually be exciting and enjoyable. Oh, and strangely therapeutic too!
Often, emotions can run high especially if you are venturing on a solo trip for the first time. However, by incorporating some thoughtfully-devised solo travel tips for first-timers, the experience can be a fruitful and a highly satisfying one. You might discover new things about yourself that you never knew existed, and that is one major reason why you must take a solo trip at least once in your life.

List of solo travel tips for first-timers
We have shed light on a few important tips that you can incorporate while you are traveling abroad, irrespective of whether it is for the first time or not. Check these useful and proven tips for traveling solo to your “on my bucket list” destination.

Choose to be practical over style and variety of clothing
While we all want to show off our shoe collection for the “Gram”, several pairs of shoes are definitely something that you can do without. Similarly, you can do away with carrying multiple sets of shirts and tees and jeans and shorts. Remember to pack light because it is likely that you will repeat your outfits. If you can build a capsule wardrobe, your back and limbs are going to thank you for it. Lugging your backpack and a humongous suitcase can get quite tiring and frustrating. In addition to that, it is advisable to keep your skincare and makeup essentials to the bare minimum.

Load up on e-books
We know we are talking about solo traveling, but books are great companions and we can afford to cheat here. Having said that, it is advisable to download e-books as opposed to carrying 2-3 books as they do take up a lot of space. We understand that solo traveling can be quite overwhelming; however, there is nothing that a steaming cup of beverage and book cannot cure.

Wander aimlessly
Who said you cannot live a poetic life that encourages wandering and exploring aimlessly? That is how Alice found her wonderland and who is to say you won’t? Sometimes just wandering without any fixed schedule may take you to some beautiful, unexplored places.

Embrace your solitary time
Although it sounds overwhelming, it is important to cherish the solitary and private moments. Instead of trying to fight them off, embrace them whole-heartedly. They are the important aspects of traveling alone that teach you a lot about life and yourself.

Thorough research
Make a checklist of maps and all the transport schedules before you leave the hotel. This habit ensures you are going in the right direction and lets you be more focused on the surroundings. You will be in a much better position to enjoy the experience and learn new things better.

Keep your loved ones informed about your whereabouts
It is one among the never-to-forget solo travel tips for first-timers to follow throughout the journey. Let your itinerary be known to someone back home and the destinations that you are heading to on a daily basis. It is also important to inform the front desk in the hotel about your plans for the day.

Open to communication
Smiling and having a cheerful persona is one of the most important solo travel tips for first-timers. It is very important and wins you brownie points while you explore an unknown destination. It becomes even more important when you and the locals do not speak the same language. A smile can take you a long way. However, be wary of unsolicited attention. It also helps if you learn a few phrases of the language spoken in the country you are traveling to as it helps to break the ice. A tip to all the vegetarians and vegans out there: learn the local way of saying “vegetarian” and “vegan” as that will save you from eating something that you do not want to.