What to do and avoid for multiple sclerosis
If you are suffering from the flu, you know that taking the appropriate medicines will get you cured in a week. But, if you suffer from something like multiple sclerosis, it will take more than medicines to ensure you are on your feet. This is why you need to make lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis to help you manage the condition better.
Lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis – what to do:
- The first positive change that you can make is changing how you eat and what you eat. While there is no single diet that can relieve the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, there are some things you can eat to help yourself. You can begin by focusing on eating healthy fats and avoiding trans fats. For instance, fatty fish, like mackerel and salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, canola, and vegetable oils are recommended.
- You should eat more vegetables and fruits like peppers, broccoli, berries, and carrots, as these can slow down the progression of the disease.
- You need to stay active as much as you can. Physical activities have shown to have positive effects for those suffering from MS. Regular workouts will help in muscle-strengthening, balance, ability to walk, and flexibility.
- You should ensure that you talk to someone when you are battling conditions like depression and anxiety. You may look for a support group to get the emotional help you need to fight this condition.
- Depression can result in fatigue. So, it is advisable to talk to a professional therapist. Brain inflammation, because of MS, and the stress of handling this may trigger depression in many. Both antidepressants and therapy can work.
- You need to have a stress-reduction plan because chronic depression can diminish your quality of life. A better state of mind has been known to alleviate the symptoms of this condition. As a patient, you can develop hobbies like reading, meditation, and spending time with your loved ones.
Lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis – what to avoid:
- The intake of excess salt may lead to severe symptoms according to a study; however, the research is based on the theory that excess salt aggravates heart diseases and blood pressure.
- You should maintain your overweight, as this makes the symptoms worse when overweight.
- You must avoid smoking, as it can accelerate the disease.
- You must avoid temperature extremities as many suffering from this condition are sensitive to heat, and their symptoms can worsen. So, try to keep yourself cool by staying away from hot baths and showers. You need to drink more water, use air-conditioning, and wear cooling vests and neck wraps as and when needed.
It is unwise to get worked up about results. No change will happen overnight, you have to keep trying to make your daily life a tad simpler. So, you should not be hesitant to use walkers and canes, so that you have the energy to do your daily work.